Sunday, September 5, 2010

Is the 21st Century Church ready for the unchurched? Can we accept people without being judgemental and condemning, are ready to show the compassion of Christ or are we steeped in religion and finger pointing?


  1. What is in the heart of the church? Does it have the heart of God? Does it desire the things of God? Does it realize ts great inheritance?(Abraham and all its rich legacy) Will the church drop its seflfishness like it's hot and replace it with rich promises that will take it to exponential levels or is it just "satisfied" being in the way instead of being "in the way"? The church has a lot to answer to the Father for in 2010.

  2. Why is the church giving its power to love, to heal, to comfort, to witness, to obey the word to the culture? The culture has become more powerful than the church because we have traded our rich treasures of the gospel for our culture.

  3. What do you do when you look and see none of the seeds that you planted in your field sprouting up. Seeds of raising your children, loving your spouse, submitting yourself to the word. When you look out over that field you thought you had cultivated, it is baren, parched, diseased from trash getting into it, abusive, abandoned, and financially bankrupt? You remain rock steady even though the winds, waves, rains of adversity have beaten against it. You don't walk away from it with the pain in your heart. You just ride the waves as a surfer, bending and bowing from the blows of the wind and the attempts of shark bites, you just remain rock steady in the spirit of prayer and praise because your seed is coming up. It may takes years, but the seed will produce a harvest.

  4. The church has to prepare for the release of the Kingdom in the last part of the year, remembering that one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day in God's eye, in that He can and will work in the latter part of the year just as powerful as He can and will in the first part of the year. No matter what part of the year we are in, God can and will show up with the release. He is not limited by time, only by our ignorance and lack of exercising our faith. We must practice saying it, doing it, receiving it, and telling it. It is up to the believer. We shall have whatever we saith as the woman with the issue of blood. I am anticipating/expecting from God and "My eyes are watching Him."

  5. Have you ever been steadily successful half in} a certain amount|a particular amount|a sure quantity}, e.g., $1, so you determine to guess extra to win extra and improve your guess per spin to $2. The machine "immediately" stops paying and becomes deader than a Dodo bird! Strange, isn't it, contemplating slots are supposed to be so-called "random" . A player who sees a function they like or have by no means experienced could give model new} sport 우리카지노 an opportunity. That function additionally be} expressed a special way|in another way} in the sport because of the way it} was combined with different options or distinctive reel layout.
